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Diakoloukas Vasilis

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Full Name:Diakoloukas Vasilis
Category:Laboratory Teaching Staff (EDIP)
Academic Department:ECE (School of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Laboratory: ()
Location:Office: 141Α-20, Science/ECE Building (Λ), 1st Floor


Speciality: Physicist

Short CV: Vassilis Diakoloukas is Laboratory Teaching Staff at the school of Electronic and Computer Engineering of the Technical University of Crete. He received his diploma in Physics from the University of Crete at Heraklion, in 1994. He accomplished part of his undergraduate studies and his diploma thesis at the Computing Science department of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, participating in the ERASMUS program from January 1994 up to August 1994. In 1996 he receives his Master’s Diploma (MSc) from the school of Electrical Engineering of the University of Durham in England, and on October 2000 he obtains his PhD from the school of Electronic and Computer Engineering of the Technical University of Crete.

Since December 2003 he is member of the Information and Networks laboratory which is part of the Telecommunications Division of the school of Electronic and Computer Engineering of the Technical University of Crete. He provides laboratory and applied lectures for many courses of the telecommunications division and he supports undergraduate and postgraduate students in their projects. From 2001 up to 2004 he also worked as a research fellow in the Electronics department of the Technological Educational Institute of Crete. He has participated in several National and International research programs as a researcher. He has been honored from the «IEEE Signal Processing Society» with the «Young author best paper award» in 2000, for one of his journal publications. He is a member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society and the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA). His research interests include speech recognition, speech synthesis, signal processing including speech processing, pattern recognition and stochastic modeling and natural language processing


  • PhD, School of Electronic and Computer Engineering of the Technical University of Crete, October 2000
  • MSc, School of Engineering, University of Durham, June 1996
  • Diploma, Department of Physics, University of Crete, September 1994

Research Areas: Speech recognition, speech synthesis, signal processing including speech processing, pattern recognition and stochastic modeling and natural language processing.

Sector: Telecommunications

Laboratory: Information and Networks Laboratory

Courses: Signals and Systems, Probabilities and Random Signals, Pattern Recognition and Stochastic Modeling, Telecommunication Systems I, Introduction to speech recognition. Natural Language Processing Systems.

© School of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2014
Technical University of Crete